Your order will be shipped within 1-3 business days from when your order is placed. We do offer expedited shipping at checkout.
Currently we only ship within the US including Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.
We ship from Stafford, VA Monday-Friday 8am-5pm EST. Transit times vary based on specific needs and location.
We offer free standard shipping for orders over $45.00 per shipping address; therefore, if you are placing a huge multiple address order, free shipping only applies on a per address basis.
All orders within a 15 mile radius of Alexandria, VA qualify for FREE Local Delivery.
All orders are final, however, if you have any issues please reach out to us within 5 days of arrival at
No, we do not offer cancellations.
About our Products
All of our soaps are vegan and we do not include palm oil in any of our products. Each product is individually labeled vegan if applicable.
Never! we source all our ingredients from responsible and fully vetted manufacturers.
Many of our products are made with organic, wild harvested ingredients. We take extreme care sourcing our ingredients. Click here to see our Full List of Ingredients.
Shelf life varies for each product and is specified on our product pages. If you have a specific question about a particular product please reach out for more information.
Yes! we would love to work with you, please click Stockist Program for more information.